Ecological Vegetation Classes (EVC) Lists
Bioregions are a landscape-scale approach to classifying the environment using a range of attributes such as climate, geomorphology, geology, soils and vegetation. There are 28 bioregions identified within Victoria.
Plants of the Southern Otways
Over the years, SOLN has created resources to help you better identify and understand our local native plants, including handouts on grasses and eucalypts, and a seed collection/revegetation guide with information on species commonly used in revegetation.
SOLN Plant Posters
Acacia Melanoxylon (Blackwood)
Acacia Mucronata (Narrow-leaf Wattle)
Acacia Myrtifolia (Myrtle Wattle)
Acacia Nanodealbata (Dwarf Silver Wattle)
Acacia Suaveolens (Sweet Wattle)
Acacia Verticillata (Prickly Moses)
Acrotiche Serrulata (Honeypots)
Actites Megalocarpa (Dune Thistle)
Adiantum Aethiopicum (Common Maidenhair)
Allocasuarina Paludosa (Scrub Sheoak)
Allocasuarina Verticillata (Coast Sheoak)
Amperea Xiphoclada (Broom Spurge)
Arthropodium Milleflorum (Pale Vanilla-lily)
Asplenium Flabellifolium (Necklace Fern)
Atriplex Cinerea (Coast Saltbush)
Banksia Marginata (Silver Banksia)
Bauera Rubioides (Wiry Bauera)
Bedfordia Arborescens (Blanket Leaf)
Beyeria Lechenaultii (Pale Turpentine-bush)
Billardiera Macrantha (Purple Appleberry)
Blechnum Chambersii (Lance Waterfern)
Blechnum Fluviatile (Ray Waterfern)
Blechnum Nudum (Fishbone Waterfern)
Blechnum Patersonii (Strap Waterfern)
Blechnum Wattsii (Hard Waterfern)
Boronia Muelleri (Forest Boronia)
Brachyscome Multifida (Cut-leaf Daisy)
Bulbine Semibarbata (Leek Lily)
Burchardia Umbellata (Milkmaids)
Bursaria Spinosa (Sweet Bursaria)
Calochlaena Dubia (Common Groundfern)
Carex Fascicularis (Tassel Sedge)
Centella Cordifolia (Centella)
Clematis Aristata (Mountain Clematis)
Clematis Microphylla (Small-leaf Clematis)
Comesperma Volubile (Love Creeper)
Coprosma Quadrifida (Prickly Currant-bush)
Deyeuxia Quadriseta (Reed Bentgrass)
Dianella Tasmanica (Tasman Flaxlily)
Dichelachne Rara (Slender Plumegrass)
Dicksonia Antarctica (Soft Treefern)
Dillwynia Glaberrima (Smooth Parrot-pea)
Diplazium Australe (Austral Ladyfern)
Distichlis Distichophylla (Australian Saltgrass)
Echinopogon Ovatus (Hedgehog Grass)
Eleocharis Acuta (Common Spike-rush)
Eleocharis Sphacelata (Tall Spike-rush)
Epacris Impressa (Common Heath)
Epilobium Pallidiflorum (Showy Willow-herb)
Goodenia Lanata (Trailing Goodenia)
Hackelia Suaveolens (Sweet Hound’s-tongue)
Hydrocotyle Laxiflora (Stinking Pennywort)
Leptinella Reptans (Creeping Cotula)
Microsorum Pustulatum (Kangaroo Fern)
Olearia Erubescens (Moth Daisybush)
Olearia Phlogopappa (Dusty Daisybush)
Pelargonium Australe (Austral Stork’s-bill)
Poa Sieberiana (Fineleaf Tussockgrass)
Polystichum Proliferum (Mother Shieldfern)
Prostanthera Lasianthos (Victorian Christmas Bush)
Sambucus Gaudichaidiana (White Elderberry)
Scaevola Albida (Small-fruited Fanflower)
Stackhouse Monogyna (Creamy Candles)
Stylidium Armeria (Triggerplant)
Tetratheca Ciliata (Pink Bells)
Todea Barbara (Austral Kingfern)