Understanding our Land goes beyond the here and now and all the worries of tomorrow; beyond those day to day and season to season practical concerns about soil, water, livestock, weeds and harvest. Understanding our Land is also led from the heart, from the soul. It involves slowing down and learning to listen to what our senses want to share about the world around us. It’s about learning how we are connected to deep time, to ancient knowledge, and to the Gadubanud people of the Otways. Past. Present. Future

This is an invitation to learn how we can care for Country together and learn how to Understand our Land by walking on Country with Traditional Owner Richard Collopy. It’s an opportunity to ask questions, to share knowledge and to gain insight into the incredible place that we live in and the people who tended to it for generations untold.

Please join us on Sunday 16 June at the Hordern Vale Hall and we will begin our journey from there.

  • When: Sunday 16 May
  • Time: 10:30am – 2:30pm
  • Where: Meet at Hordern Vale Hall for tea and coffee , then car-pooling to the site.

The walk will be followed by lunch back at the hall.

Lunch, tea and coffee will be provided.

Register: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/southernotwaylandcarenetwork/1278714

Thanks to Landcare Victoria for their assistance in funding the workshop series.

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