Planning a revegetation project? Order your plants now!
As you may know, undertaking a successful revegetation project requires some pre-planning smarts. The best time to plant is during the cooler, wetter months (allowing plants to develop their root system before the summer heat), which means your seedlings must be grown the summer/autumn before you plant.
For anyone undertaking reveg work in the Otways, Shrub Club Community Nursery has a wide range of local native plants suited to the various ecosystems/EVC’s of the area. If you’d like to get plants in the ground next year, now is the time to order, so we can collect the right seed and grow you the best plants for your job. We’re happy to help you choose the right plants for the job too!
Next year we will be raising our price to $3 per plant (in a forestry tube), however all orders before the end of this year will only have to pay $2.50 per plant, have we convinced you yet?